Library and Reading
The Main Library of the University of Ruhuna situated in the University premises at Wellamadama, Matara. The Library posses resource collections about Mathematics, Computer Science, Zoology, Botany, Fish Biology, Physics, Management, Economics, Languages, History, Geography, Education, Physical Education, Medicine, Engineering, Technology, Agriculture and are classified using the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). The Cataloging system used is Anglo American Cataloguing Rules (AACR). Holdings of the library are shown by thecatalogues, which are kept at the entree. Library materials are organized under several collections.
- Lending Collection
- Reference Collection
- Quick Reference Collection
- Sri Lanka Collection
- Periodicals Collection
- Professor Labrooy Collection
- Professor M.A. Pemadasa Collection
- Rohana Collection
The Library closes on public holidays and Poya holidays . The Library has Lending, Reference, Periodicals and Special Collection sections. The Lending section issues books for a period of two weeks to undergraduates and non-academic staff and a period of one month to academic staff. The Reference Section comprises of Permanent Reference material and Scheduled Reference materials. Permanent reference material must be consulted in the Library. Scheduled Reference books are the books in demand, hence are available to use in the Library and if necessary can be borrowed for the use over night or in weekends. Reference materials are issued on weekdays between 3.00 p.m. to 5.oo p.m. and must be returned by 10.00 a.m. on the due date. Readers are requested not to remove books or other documents in the Special Collections. With the exception of categories, (i.e., Permanent Reference Books, Dictionaries, Atlases, Glossaries, Periodicals, Books on special collections) all other books may be borrowed. Tickets for borrowing books are issued at the time of registration.