Recession to Recovery: Role of Management and Economics
All paper presentation sessions of ICME and URF will be conducted online.

Research Conference
16th August 2023
ICME 2023, under the theme of “Recession to Recovery: Role of Management and Economics,” aims to create a forum for academics, researchers, and practitioners across the globe to debate and share their knowledge on business institutes, particularly related to the ongoing global recession and their impact on the economy and contemporary management practices. All paper presentation sessions of ICME will be conducted online.
Undergraduate Research Forum
16th August 2023
The Undergraduate Research Forum (URF) creates a platform for the undergraduates who are undertaking their bachelor’s at any of the higher education institutes in the world to showcase their valuable independent and or collaborative research findings. Undergraduates may have done some research works as partial fulfilment of their in-class assessments, independent studies, community project, creative project, or experiential learning etc. All paper presentation sessions of URF will be conducted online.

Idea Cloud 2023
16th August 2023
Idea Cloud is a business start-up idea competition where tertiary education students and school level students can pitch their innovative ideas that provide solutions for social and economic development in Sri Lanka as one of the efforts of the faculty is organized annually. Idea Cloud 2023 is the fourth consecutive year in which Idea Cloud will be rolled out. The competition is organized to be held in parallel to the International Conference on Management and Economics (ICME 2023). >>More
Keynote Speaker

Dr. P.K.G. Harischandra
Director of Economic Research
Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Dr. Donella Caspersz
Associate Professor/Director, UN PRME
UWA Business School
The University of Western Australia
Main Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor


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